In 35+ years of Cityscape Painting, we've learned a thing or two.
When was the last time you updated your bathroom? You spend more time here than you may realize. If your space doesn’t feel like a luxury retreat from the outside world, it may be time for a few changes.
We redesigned our kids bathroom a few years ago, and eventually repainted when our first-choice color didn't work. Here 's what we learned.
Cleaning for the holidays? Care for your walls and ceilings too, and make your colors last longer.
How do manufacturers go about predicting what colors will hit a home run with you, years in advance?
Fall is a terrific time for house painting! Cooler weather with less humidity mean optimal drying conditions. You're also more likely to find paint sales.
Minnesota's weather extremes are challenging even for high-quality paints. Here are some tips for extending the life of your home's exterior colors.
How much hospitality do painters REALLY expect from homeowners? Here are a few tips on what you can do to make your work crew feel like rock stars.
Paint finishes can be as confusing as a foreign language, especially since our recommendations vary from what you'll find on the internet.
When spring arrives, it's a good time to take a walk around your house and closely inspect your home's exterior.
Spring is late. If you have a wedding or graduation event and NEED to paint outdoors despite the cold, here are some tips.
We asked Chat GPT 'what color should I paint my house?' Here is the reply we received.
If your gray paint turns out looking blue, don't blame the paint. It's probably your lighting. Learn how to avoid the painting pitfalls that lighting can cause.
Ready to refinish your cabinets? The best paint choices are expensive and release VOCs into the air while painting. Call us before tackling this project on your own.
If your home has lost its sparkle, it may be time to repaint your walls. Should you do it yourself or call Cityscape Painting? Here are some factors to consider.
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