In 35+ years of Cityscape Painting, we've learned a thing or two.
We've noticed a growing number of our clients choosing darker paint colors for their home exteriors. Are darker colors here to stay, or just a passing trend?
If the brick on or in your home is looking bland, consider using limewash for a fresh new look. Learn more about limewash pros and cons.
Did you know that some paints can yellow over time due to a lack of sunlight?
Before you plant that bush, clean your yard or install that sprinkler, take time to assess how your landscaping will impact your home.
Repaint long before you sell your house. Give yourself time to fix any problems and to enjoy your home's restored glory.
If you want a stunning front door that will last a lifetime, you need to care for it. Cityscape Painting can help.
If you're interested in painting your home using an eco-friendly product, check out pine tar from Cityscape Painting.
Is enamel paint right for your kitchen? Call Cityscape Painting for an honest assessment.
Cleaning for the holidays? Care for your walls and ceilings too, and make your colors last longer.
How do manufacturers go about predicting what colors will hit a home run with you, years in advance?
Fall is a terrific time for house painting! Cooler weather with less humidity mean optimal drying conditions. You're also more likely to find paint sales.
Minnesota's weather extremes are challenging even for high-quality paints. Here are some tips for extending the life of your home's exterior colors.
How much hospitality do painters REALLY expect from homeowners? Here are a few tips on what you can do to make your work crew feel like rock stars.
Paint finishes can be as confusing as a foreign language, especially since our recommendations vary from what you'll find on the internet.
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